Idea File

Here's some story ideas in my queue. If you want to see my completed works, please to to the Bookshelf...

Soldier Boy - Sequel to Josh & the Magic Vial. Josh, Millie and Ian are once again confronted by the evil empire of Vortigen, Prince of Syde and his psychopathic lieutenant Sirus Blackstone. But the battleground is no longer in the subterranean world they escaped from in the first book, now the war is waged in this dimension and the theatre of war extends from North America, to Africa, to every continent on the planet.

Hallelujah! - A community choir in a small, interior BC town decides to perform Handel's Messiah. But instead of elevating their spirits toward an epiphany of Christ's forgiving presence, the rehearsals and run up to the big night strain relationships to the max and reveal both the sordid and the splendid sides of human relations. All the while the spirit of Handel himself hovers in the wings...

Stained Glass - All hell breaks loose when a brothel owner offers to install a stained glass window in the newly constructed church of a pioneer BC community. The high society types are shocked, the minister is in a moral quandry, the madame is determined to make her statement and the stone throwers are lining up to be first...

The Blue Yonder - A family gathers for the funeral of its central figure: the husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend of the assembled mourners. But the life of this WWII vet is controversial for everyone involved, and their feelings are a cocktail of contradictions...

Plus 15 - Set in a futuristic remake of the Plus 15 shopping mall complex in Calgary, Alberta, this story tracks the activities of a rogue gang that hides out in the warrens and tunnels of what has become a restricted area for the rich and powerful. The rest of the world is exposed to the terrors of the deteriorating 'outworld' where anarchy rules...

Caution, Prayin' Ahead - A young priest, mortified by the hypocrisy of his own life, renounces his faith, then immediately sets out on a trip across Canada, looking for the clues to resurrection. He ends up in Princeton, BC, where he meets a cowgirl who has a more pragmatic view of what's sacred and what's not...

Anatomy - A 15th Century scientist and 'Renaissance Man' is thrown into moral and legal chaos when he opens the chest of a corpse he is about to dissect and discovers the heart of his specimen is still beating. Instantly, he is transformed from researcher to murderer, and the full weight of the law and a disapproving religious establishment threatens to crush him...

Windows to the Soul - An optometrist, who is obviously going over the edge, thinks he can read peoples' thoughts and see their histories by looking deep into their eyes during his examinations...

The Complex Kid - A child goes missing from a townhouse complex, which borders on a park belt. But the mystery grows as a search for the boy turns up nothing and when there seems to be some confusion as to whether or not the boy ever existed at all...

Open the Jar

they've buzzed round
like beez in a jar
for yearz and yearz
so all I ever hearz
in my wax plugged earz
iz the soundz
of my own thinkin'

Twist the lid off
set them free
kick down the wallz
twixt me and me and you
and me
and reality
in the buzy cellz
of the live hive brain.

51-18883 65th Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3S 8Y2 778-574-5435